GALLERY houses many award
winning artisans from Kentucky, West Virginia,
Ohio and beyond.
It is the first fine art
gallery in Lawrence County, Kentucky, and contains an
eclectic mix of hand made artwork. Maureen Dosier
is the owner/operator of the gallery and a
working artist .
She has been the president of the Lawrence County
Arts Council since 1998 and an advocate of the
Arts initiating festivals to the
area, promoting the Arts in
schools through instruction and contests, and now the
gallery which also serves as the studio home to the
Lawrence County Arts Council artisans.
Maureen encourages adults and children to feel free to come
in and browse, ask questions and to be educated and
uplifted and inspired by the artwork.
Louisa is part of the Appalachian
experience and many talented residents
were self taught and they have no idea how talented they
are. At the gallery they are made aware that their artwork
has value and should be displayed, not just given away to friends and
relatives. Since moving to Kentucky in 1994 from South
Florida, Maureen is always on the look out to promote new
talent many have been her students and turn them
into professional artists.
Many of the seasoned artists in the gallery are skilled in
more than one medium and sell a variety of the their award
winning artwork including books, quilts, soft textiles,
sculptures, decorative furniture, stringed instruments,
photography and paintings. Commissioned artwork is welcomed
by many of the artists at the